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Watch Labs in Action!
Saturday, Sept 7, 2024
11 AM and 1 PM (small horse ring)
Join us for an engaging and educational Retrievers Demo hosted by Grassroot Retrievers!
Whether you're an experienced hunter or just a dog lover, this is an event you won't want to miss.
What to Expect
Grassroots Retrievers will take you through the journey of training hunting dogs, from the basics to advanced techniques.
Learn how to start with a young pup and refine the skills of an older dog. The demo will feature:
Training Basics: Discover the foundational steps for training your hunting dog.
Advanced Techniques: Watch demonstrations of hand signals and whistles, showcasing how to guide your dog to retrieve birds (dokens) that they didn't see.
Hunt Competitions: Get an insider's look at how these incredible dogs compete in hunt events.

Meet the Stars of the Show
Skeeter: An 11-year-old red Labrador retriever with years of experience.
Banjo: A 6-year-old yellow lab with a knack for finding those hidden birds.
Cotton: A 2.5-year-old yellow lab, showing off her youthful energy and skill.
Pen: Just 8 months old, this yellow lab will melt your heart with her eagerness to learn.
Bring the whole family and get a front-row seat to witness these amazing dogs in action. It's a great opportunity to learn, ask questions, and see what goes into making a top-notch hunting dog.
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